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Future changes to the Pantone Color Libraries. Pantone is supporting their most up-to-date color libraries exclusively through the Pantone Connect plug-in available here. Adobe and Pantone have been working together to support your color needs and additional information and tutorials will be available shortly. Pantone Plus modernize the way Adobe applications use spot colors from color book manufacturers.

This agreement does not cover all the Pantone color libraries, therefore, you might not find certain Pantone libraries in Illustrator and other Adobe applications.

In addition, both these applications have independent update cycles, so recent updates to Pantone libraries may not be immediately available under Adobe applications. For more details, see Pantone Color Manager. Process and global color swatches are related to the document color mode. Changing the document color mode back again is a second conversion, not a return to the original color. Color system manufacturers create standardized colors for communicating color information across apps and processes.

These standardized color libraries are called color books. CMYK values were whole numbers. Pantone color books, introduced in CS2, use Lab values as the color definitions. The equivalent CMYK values aren’t always whole numbers. In Adobe Illustrator, you add named color swatches, such as manufacturer-supplied spot colors, to the document swatches.

Therefore, to add Pantone Plus spot colors to your document swatches, define spot colors using Lab values. And because the spot colors use Lab values, the visible results are much closer to the real inks available.

Using Lab values for spot colors also reduces the difference of appearance between the Normal and Overprint Preview viewing modes. CMYK, as a color mode, has a fairly limited gamut. Representing Pantone spot colors in CMYK values results in a wider difference of appearance between printed output and digital artwork. Copy all Pantone libraries with extension. Use this workaround only if you encounter missing colors in legacy documents opened in Illustrator CS6 or CC. It is not recommended to use older Pantone libraries to add new colors to a document.

There is no change in this process. To add a spot color to a document, open the color book and click the desired swatch. CMYK values took priority over Lab values. The spot color added to the document usually came with CMYK values. This workaround makes the Pantone spot color uniform across different versions of Illustrator.

Files from earlier versions open successfully. Spot color definitions are preserved along with their original definitions. When you place-link such files in an Illustrator CS6 or CC document, the system searches for the color information for spot channels in the installed Pantone Plus color books. If an identically named color is found in any of the available spot color books, the system fetches it and links to the file or opens the legacy file.

During this process, there can be a slight difference in how the color appears compared to Illustrator CS5 or earlier.

There are two possible reasons for the difference of appearance:. If the color used in spot channels isn’t found, Illustrator displays a warning and places the file with the spot color turning black.

However, it retains the color as a spot color Illustrator converts the color to a default black spot for the swatch values instead of coverting it to a process color. For workarounds, see Workaround 1: Replace Pantone Plus with older Pantone color books and Workaround 2: Make older Pantone libraries available for missing colors. Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Adobe Illustrator Features What’s New. Buy now.

Pantone Plus color libraries Search. Learn about the Pantone Plus color libraries used in Illustrator. Color swatches. Adobe Illustrator has three types of color swatches: process, global, and spot.

Color swatches can be created by either of these: users color book manufacturers such as Pantone. Legacy color books. The filename extension of these color books is. Define spot colors using Lab values. Workaround 1: Replace Pantone Plus with older Pantone color books. Quit Illustrator. Save and close all document profiles, then restart Illustrator again. Workaround 2: Make older Pantone libraries available for missing colors. Relaunch Illustrator.

Pantone may have changed the definition of the color in Pantone Plus. More like this About color Using and creating swatches. Sign in to your account. Sign in. Quick links View all your plans Manage your plans.


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