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Include all fonts that are embeddable, in the eBook. Fonts include embedding bits that determine if the font is embeddable. Handling of the Object will be determined by the settings in the Export Dialog.

For the reflowable format this is controlled by the settings in the Conversion Tab. Use Existing Image for Graphic Objects. Rasterize Container. The whole object is rasterized thus preserving the appearance. If the object is a text frame, then the text will no longer be live.

Rasterize Content. The content of the object is rasterized thus the styling of the object or container is controlled by CSS and not may not entirely display like it did in InDesign. Reflowable EPUB Choose from the following options in the Size list to maintain the aspect ratio of an object, such as an image, that has no internal fixed content:.

No CSS width or height is generated for the tag mapped from the object. The size of the object is determined by the internal content, if any, according to the CSS rules, the aspect ratio is not maintained. The CSS Size is determined by the calculating the dimension of the object in points and defining the same dimensions in the CSS as pixels. The aspect ratio of the object is maintained.

Relative to Text Flow. The CSS width is determined by taking the width of the object and expressing it as a percentage relative to the width of the text frame containing the text flow. Relative to Text Size.

The CSS height is determined by taking the height of the object in points and converting it to ems at 12pts per em. These options do not apply to the main flow text frames.

For more information on the EPUB specification, see www. Download a free copy of the Digital Editions reader at www. See the blog Digital Editions for information on Digital Editions. Create and publish ebooks , brochures , flyers , postcards , posters , interactive page layouts , and more with Adobe InDesign.

Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Buy now. Text support. Text is not rasterized. This implies live text is searchable and selectable Live text can be scaled horizontally and vertically Tab leaders can be included Language attributes are marked up on tags Tags are marked up with CSS classes Hyperlinks and cross references on text are supported to URLs, text anchors, and pages. Also note the following limitations when including text in your documents for export to EPUB:.

Kerning is not supported on an individual glyph and is distributed as letter spacing across all the letters of a word Alternate glyphs generated by OpenType features, including small caps, all caps, and fractions are not supported due to limited device support Middle Eastern right-to-left text frames remain not properly supported.

Japanese text support. The following Japanese feature options are available for export to the fixed layout format:. Ruby text is live and not rasterized in the output Warichu is supported in Live text Character rotation is supported in Live text Composite fonts are supported Vertical Text Frames are supported including rotated glyphs.

Japanese Tate-Chu-Yoko is not supported in vertical text frames Japanese ideographic characters lose their positioning when True Type fonts are used Japanese Kenten font is rasterized in live text. Hyperlink support. Text-based hyperlinks and cross references Object based hyperlinks Hyperlinks to Pages for both text- and object-based hyperlinks.

Navigation support. The export process provides the following navigation capabilities in the EPUB output:. Only the first occurrence of the value is added to the landmarks. CSS generation for a book. Export to EPUB. You can export a document or book as reflowable or fixed layout EPUB format. Do one of the following:. Specify a filename and location. Fixed Layout Export Options. Version of the EPUB. Supports audio, video, javascript, and Japanese vertical text.

Cover image for the eBook. Choose one of the following:. No cover image is added. Select an image file on your computer to use as the cover. File Name. Generate a table of contents based on the filenames. For details, see Bookmarks. Specify the order in which page elements are exported. Converts the spread to Landscape layout.

Enable the synthetic spreads in the document to be exported. None of the spreads are exported to the EPUB output. Conversion Settings. Let InDesign decide which format to use in each instance.

Create a palette of web-safe colors that are a subset of Windows and Mac OS system colors. Enter the title of the EPUB. Enter the name of the creator of the EPUB. Specify the date when the EPUB has been created. Enter a description of the EPUB. Enter copyright information here. Like this: Like Loading Technical Ground 16 hours ago 0 1 2 minutes read. Technical Ground Saad Here! Related Articles. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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Export content for EPUB in InDesign CS6.

Relative to Text Size. Convert Spread To Landscape Page. Choose Adaptive to create a palette using a representative sample of colors in the graphic without any dithering mixing of small spots of colors to simulate additional colors. Also note the following limitations when including Japanese text in your documents for export to EPUB:. If this option is not selected, an image looks fuzzy and gradually becomes clear as the image reaches full resolution.