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– To Create a Base View and Projected Views | Inventor | Autodesk Knowledge Network
The Base View command by default selects the last active model document as the source for the placed view. If the last active model document is closed, no model is automatically selected. To extend the size of the view bounding box, increase the Margin value. Projected views are generally the first type of view created from a base view.
The projected view command creates orthographic and isometric views from a base view. You can switch between first-angle and third-angle on the View Preferences tab of the Standard style. The change affects only the current drawing unless you save the setting to the style library. All other drawings that use that standard are updated with the changed projection. You can create multiple views with a single activation of the command. Multiview projections are aligned to the parent view and inherit its scale and display settings.
Axonometric projections are not aligned to the parent view. They default to the scale of the parent view, but they do not update when you change the scale of the parent view. The second method was to project objects as solid geometry, then select the objects you wanted to change, then toggle them to Construction Geometry.
This one works fine, but is counter-productive to production. The Inventor It allows users to make projection as Construction Geometry the default state. This is a great enhancement that can considerably reduce the time traditionally spent on projecting geometry, selecting it, and toggling it to Construction. You can find the setting in the Application Options dialog, under the Sketch tab.
See the image below for the location. Figure 2: Click the checkbox to enable the Project objects as construction geometry Inventor All rights reserved. Inventor Keyboard Shortcuts. Jump to a section. Subscribe now. Try it now. One-key shortcuts. Shortcut commands by category.
Drawing Manager. Browser node must be selected, then use F2 to enter rename mode. Placed Features. ALT-A Switch browser pane forward.
Project Geometry VS Convert Entity | Inventor | Autodesk Knowledge Network.What’s New for Inventor | Inventor | Autodesk Knowledge Network
When this new setting is selected, every time you project geometry, the geometry is projected as construction geometry. Download File PDF Learning Autodesk Inventor When people should go to the ebook stores, search establishment by shop, shelf by shelf.