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Keep track of your book collection and wish list Mobile app, web-app or downloadable? Your choice! Mobile Web Desktop. Learn more. For Windows only Book Collector for advanced Windows users. Download for Windows For advanced Windows users only! Sign up for the Book Connect 7-day free trial close. Please sign-up with your email address:.
Download the CLZ Books 7-day free trial close. Download the Book Collector free trial edition close. Buy them together and get a discount. CLZ Books. Book Collector. Book Connect. Buy now. Use the free CLZ Cloud service to: Synchronize your book database between the desktop software, mobile apps and the Connect web-app. View your list online and share it with friends and family.
Always have an online backup of your book database. More software updates. No other cataloging software comes near this in terms of quality, ease of use and value for money. As a collector I have over books and I would be lost without this software. June 26, First on my desktop, then on my laptop, then on my phone, and now mostly on my iPad. It keeps getting better! Even when I had a small glitch, the great crew was right on it and had it fixed in no time! I recommend it and show it off any chance I get, mostly at bookstores!
June 25, This Book Collector App is excellent. I have a very large book collection and the ease that I can access what books I have has been essential when searching for both used and new books. I have used the CLZ App for over 7 years with only one recent problem. I contacted CLZ and they corrected the fault Immediately. The ability to enter books that I have and books that I am looking for makes this App excellent. I had a problem with the app crashing with the latest release. I submitted a support request and they quickly got back to me, stepping me through how to send a crash log.
They then quickly fixed the problem and let me know to install the new version from the App Store. June 24, I would like to thank Alvin, Sytske and the team for all assistance given over the past 5 years; your cataloguing software proved an excellent choice for recording some 7, books in an important legacy private collection.
The ability to then share the catalogue with a wide variety of potential inheritors and auction houses has made the final distribution of the collection both straightforward and effective.
I will certainly recommend Collectorz in future where appropriate. There are so many options for collectors and for casual book-lovers to personalize your catalogue. So, recently I had a issue with the app. So i sent in a email support request at am and received a reply at ! They guided me through what I needed to do and have access on their end to see what the problem is. My issue had been solved at am on the same day!! I cannot thank the customer support agent enough for the fast service and the great guiding!!
I truly love this app. I searched for a cataloguing library app for years to catalog my book library. For years, I kept a paper copy of my books, but found this to be ineffective due to the fact that my collection over the past twenty-five years had grown by the thousands. A couple of years ago, I read all of the reviews and convinced myself to purchase the app. PC Games. Mac Games. Big Fish Casino. Android Games. Get the full game, bonus gameplay, integrated strategy guides, and fun extras.
Try before you buy! Get the latest games, special offers, and more! Sign Up Today. Sign in or create an account. Obviously, the first option simplifies the entire process of creating a book collection, as it allows users to look for books by ISBN, author and title, or LCCN. The selected books can be either included in your current database or added to a wish list. You can make the program download a front or back cover, pricing data, retrieve genre and subject information, as well as specify a primary and secondary geographical location.
If you cannot find a book or all the details about it, you can manually enter the required information, such as title, genre, subject, rating, author, country, language, publisher, original title, reading date, price, characters, plot and notes, as well as add images and links. Moreover, you can add e-book files to your collection by selecting a book directory which will be automatically scanned. The generated results can be included in your database with the use of the batch mode, as well as renamed and linked to existing books in the collection.
Other important features that are worth mentioning lie in the possibilities of creating automatic backups, editing books, customizing the appearance of the application, sorting books by title, author, producer or date, and merging list items.
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2. Labyrinths of the World: The Game of Minds Collector’s Edition. 3. Adventure Trip: New York Collector’s Edition. 4. Living Legends: Voice of the Sea Collector’s Edition. 5. 12 Labours of Hercules XII: Timeless Adventure Collector’s Edition. 6. Apr 30, · Download replace.me Movie Collector. Similar software. Coollector Movie Database A handy place to keep track of your ever-expanding movie collection. 47 / 4, Epubor Ultimate Build A reliable piece of software you can use to convert DRM-signed or DRM-free books to various formats for eBook reading devices. 26 / 4, replace.me Book Collector add to watchlist send us an update. buy now € Monthly. buy now € Yearly. 21 screenshots: runs on: Windows 10 32/64 bit. Windows 8 32/64 bit.
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Book collector pro 19 free download. Book Collector Pro Free Download
История атомного оружия A) разработка (Манхэттенский проект) B) взрыв 1) Хиросима 2) Нагасаки 3) побочные продукты атомного взрыва 4) зоны поражения – Раздел второй! – сразу же воскликнула Сьюзан. – Уран и плутоний. Давай.