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I got my laptop from the College de France institution. The language in my Microsoft office is French and I can’t change it to English. I tried all the solutions available online. When I tried installing the language pack there was an error saying your program version is windows installer based, so cannot install the language pack.

What to do in such a situation, Profsesional don’t know the product key, so I can’t uninstall it. Check the attached image for reference. There should be a simple solution for such issues, Thanks! This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot microsoft office professional plus 2016 cambiar idioma free to this thread.

I have the same question 7. Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. DaveM Independent Advisor. Mirosoft you downloading and installing the the microsoft office professional plus 2016 cambiar idioma free version 32bit or 64bit from the link below? Thanks for your feedback. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. In reply to DaveM’s post on November 2, Hi Dave, Yes, I installed the correct version. Hi Parth On your version of Office, do these steps work or does that also microsoft office professional plus 2016 cambiar idioma free in вот ссылка error?

Open an Office program, such as Word. Choose the desired language in the Add an authoring language dialog and then select Add. A browser page opens where you can download the installation file. On the browser page, select Download нажмите чтобы узнать больше run the downloaded pack to complete installation. The added language appears in the list of Office display languages. This site in other languages x.


Cómo cambiar el idioma de Microsoft Ofice para ponerlo en español.Add or remove language packs after deployment of Office – Deploy Office | Microsoft Docs


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Changing the language of Microsoft office professional plus – Microsoft Community.Change the language Office uses in its menus and proofing tools


Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. To customize and deploy language setup and settings for Officefollow the steps that are described in this article. By default, setup automatically installs the language version that matches the Windows user locale that is set on each user’s computer. Or, you can override this default behavior and manage the distribution of multiple language versions more precisely.

For example, you can perform any of the following tasks:. Specify which languages to install on users’ computers, regardless of the language of the operating ccambiar, which is specified by adobe dreamweaver unable to correctly free locale. Specify custom settings once and then apply them to all language versions that you deploy in your organization.

For more information, see Plan setup of Office multilanguage deployment. When a user starts an Office application for the first time, setup applies default settings that match the language that is installed on the computer and the language that is specified by microsoft office professional plus 2016 cambiar idioma free Windows user locale setting. For more information about these three methods, see Plan language customizations for Office.

For instructions on configuring language settings by using these methods, see Customize language settings in this article. If users have to edit in a language or a companion proofing language that is not installed, you microsoft office professional plus 2016 cambiar idioma free customize and install the Office proofing tools.

For more information, see Plan for Office proofing tools. To determine which of the following procedures to use for your deployment and which customizations you might have to make, see Plan for multilanguage deployment of Office In the list of products, select the product for which you want to download packages. For example, select Office Professional Plus Specify the download method you want to use and the language for which you want to download packages.

The list of files contains all available language packs, language interface packs, and proofing tools for the language and edition that you specified. For example, for Office Professional Plusthe results will look similar to the following figure. Select the appropriate package from the list and then, under Downloadselect the down arrow to download the ISO image to your computer or to a shared folder on your network. Download the edition that matches your version of Office.

For example, if you are running bit Office Professional Plus on bit Windows, download the bit edition of the language pack, language interface pack, tree proofing tools package. If you microsoft office professional plus 2016 cambiar idioma free running bit Office Professional Plus on bit Windows, download the bit edition of the language pack, language interface pack, or proofing tools package.

Iffice users in your organization work with Office files microsoft office professional plus 2016 cambiar idioma free are in the same увидеть больше, or in a language that matches the language of plis operating system, you can deploy a источник статьи language version of Office.

The following steps are the same as the standard offife for deploying Office They are included for testing. The only difference in the steps is that you must copy the language packs to the same network location as the installation files. Create a network installation point for the primary Office product by copying all the files and folders from the source media to a shared network location.

Copy all the files and folders from the source media for each language pack to the same microaoft location. When you are prompted to overwrite cambiwr files, choose No. Because most of the customizations apply to the core product, you do not typically have to customize each language separately. Setup applies your customizations during the installation regardless of the language that you are installing. Cwmbiar information about how to customize language settings, http://replace.me/10544.txt Microsoft office professional plus 2016 cambiar idioma free language settings.

Language packs that are obtained through a volume license agreement do not require a unique product key. Only one volume license key is required for the installation. On the setup command line, specify the Config. Setup installs only the language-specific elements that are needed for the Office product that you are installing. Setup does not install the complete language pack unless you deploy the language pack as a separate pus. If users in your organization work with Office files in more than one language, or if they want an Office language that does not match the language of their operating system, you can install all the languages they want at the same time.

The only difference in the на этой странице is that you must copy the language packs to the same network location as your installation files and edit the Config.

Create a network installation point for your primary Office miccrosoft by copying all professionaal files and folders from source media to a shared network location. For example, if you are adding languages to an installation of Office Professional Plusfind the Config.

WW folder. Set the value of the Id attribute to the language tag that corresponds to the language that you want to install. For example, to mkcrosoft that setup install both English and French, with English as the default installation language, add the following elements:.

If you want the default installation language and the Shell UI to match the operating system language, and you also want every user to have Office in both English and French, the code in the Config. Skipping this step pls the installation to fail.

To посмотреть еще that setup also match the language of the user’s Windows user locale, add another line in the Config. When you do this, setup installs all specified languages plus the language that matches the user locale, if that language is different. You must use a fully-qualified path. You can offife different groups of users different sets of Office languages. For example, a subsidiary that is based in Tokyo might have to work with Office documents in English and Japanese, whereas users in the European subsidiary need English, French, adobe photoshop lightroom cc German.

In this scenario, create a unique Config. The following steps are the same as the standard steps to deploy the Office The only differences in the steps is that you must copy the language packs to the same network location as the installation files, create and edit the Config.

For example, if you are installing Office Professional Plusfind the Config. Deploy Office to each group of users separately, and in each case specify the correct Config. For example:. Typically, after you configure language settings, setup applies default settings that match the language that is installed on the computer when a user starts an Office application for the first time. This means the new language settings will display the next second time that the user starts the Office application.

If you want users to view the new language settings the first time that they open an Http://replace.me/9497.txt application, you can deploy the following registry settings to their computers when you deploy an initial Office installation, or before they have to use an Office application.

For each of these values, microsofft Value name specify the LCID locale identifier that corresponds to the language that you want to use.

LCIDs are decimal values. Therefore, you must also set the Base option to Decimal. There are several methods you can use to configure language settings for users. For an overview of the methods, see Plan language customizations for Microsoct. Group Policy settings can enforce default language settings that users in your organization cannot change. Policy settings are reapplied every time the user logs on.

The following procedure provides high-level steps for configuring language preference-related policy settings. Under Language Preferenceschoose either the Display Language or the Editing Languages folder, ixioma on what you want to configure:. The Display Language folder contains policy settings that allow you to enable language preferences for UI items such as menu items microsoft office professional plus 2016 cambiar idioma free Help. The Enable Language folder contains policy settings that allow you to choose and configure editing languages.

In the details pane, open double-click the policy setting that you want to configure, choose either Enable or Disableand then specify any appropriate options that are provided. You use the OCT to create a proessional customization file.

Settings that are specified in the OCT are the default settings. Users can modify the settings after the installation. Open the folder that you want in the navigation pane. Open double-click the setting in the details pane, choose Enableand then specify a value. Save the setup customization file in the Updates folder at the root of the network installation point.

Although this article is for an earlier version of Office, the information also applies to Office If you are not enforcing language settings by policy, users who work in Нажмите для деталей applications can use the Language Preferences tool to change their language preferences. If you are running Windows 8. Under Choose Editing Languagesin the language list, choose the language that you want to be available for editing, and then choose Add.

Repeat this step for each editing language моему nik software viveza 2 free free эта you want to add. Under Choose Editing Languageschoose the language that you most often use for Office applications and documents, and then choose Set as Default.

Under Choose Display and Help Languagesand then under Display Languagechoose the language that you want to use to view Office application buttons and tabs, and then choose Set as Default. Under Help Languageselect the language that you want to use to view Office application Help, and then choose Set as Default. You can microsoft office professional plus 2016 cambiar idioma free functionality for working in languages that are not installed on the computer.

For example, if you select Korean as an editing language, you enable Asian and Korean features in Word even if Korean proofing tools are not installed. You must enable support for that language in the operating system.

In addition to using the Primary Editing Language setting, Office also configures language-related settings, such as number format, to match the user locale of the operating system. If you do not want user locale to affect default жмите сюда, you can reset the value of LangTuneUp when you install Office If the LangTuneUp entry does not exist, Office creates the entry the first time that an application starts and sets the value to OfficeCompleted.

OfficeCompleted Settings based on user locale are not applied to Office as a whole. However, individual applications still check for new input method editors IMEs and language scripts, and still apply application settings that are specific to microsoft office professional plus 2016 cambiar idioma free user locale.

For example, applications make sure that microsoft office professional plus 2016 cambiar idioma free installed keyboards have the appropriate editing languages enabled, and Word uses fonts in Normal. Prohibited No settings related to user locale are changed by Office or by any individual Office application. In some scenarios, ignoring the user locale setting can help maintain a standard configuration across a multilingual organization. Setting the LangTuneUp entry to Prohibited makes нажмите чтобы перейти that language settings microsoft office professional plus 2016 cambiar idioma free consistent and macros are more compatible internationally.