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– Microsoft office home and business 2010 uninstall did not complete successfully free

“Microsoft Office standard uninstall did not complete successfully.”. Restart the computer in a Clean boot state following steps mentioned in the article below, then try uninstalling the Office suite and verify the.
Uninstall Office from a PC
Join the discussion. I tried the fix нажмите чтобы перейти but the problem not updating remained. Last step was re-installation of Office using the previously downloaded Office installer program Setup. Method 2 in this tip does a more thorough job that the “normal” uninstall via Programs and Features aka Method 1 mkcrosoft the tip.
Unable to uninstall Office – Microsoft Community – Surface devices
Error For infomration about hoe to contact PSS, see. Note: I am not able to un install current office neither not able to overwrite any other version. Thank you for posting your query on Microsoft Office Community.
I understand your concern and will assist you to resolve this issue. Press Go to begin removing the Office trial. Within a few minutes, your computer will be automatically restarted. Be sure to close all open programs and files to prevent losing any data. When your computer restarts, press Run to continue running Rip Out Office Follow the remaining prompts to remove the application, registry entries and left over files. The entire process takes around 10 minutes.
Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Install, redeem, activate Microsoft and Office Search Community member.
Okay, this Odyssey started with the much-to-be-feared “Template cannot be instantiated” error in Access. In my research, I discovered that my copy of Access was not activated and would not activate.
This past week, I uninstalled Home and Business and Access. It was able to remove Home and Business, but not able to remove Click-to-Run. I went ahead with the Professional installation. This was bad enough. I tried Access, and found the original error was unresolved, so I tried running the Fix-it again to try to remove Click-to-Run. It didn’t work. Earlier today, I ran Excel for the first time since the reinstall.
It started the “installing And Home and Business is back on my Programs and Features list. Tried putting in product key again is that the license? From control panel tried repair, did not work with message ‘MS Office professional configuration did not complete successfully’. Would not uninstall either. Put in original MS disk but would not repair or uninstall from disk. Did not work, ‘MS Office professional uninstall did not complete successfully’.
Tried Revo Uninstall which appeared to detect and remove everything. Tried to install but no luck ‘MS Office professional encountered an error during setup’. Ran Fixit which appeared to detect and remove the installed bits. Note: If you installed an Office suite such as Office Home and Student or you have an Office subscription, search for the suite name.
If you bought an individual Office application, such as Word or Visio, search for the application name. Tip: If you can’t uninstall your Microsoft Store installation using Settings in Windows 10, then try to uninstall Office manually using PowerShell following the steps below. If only a command prompt appears and no additional information, it means you successfully removed Office and you can close the Windows PowerShell window.
Note: If you’re not sure what operating system you have, see Which Windows operating system am I running? Table of contents. Office install. How to install Office. Redeem or activate. Office product keys. Activate Office. Install other apps. Set up mobile devices. Office updates. Upgrade to the latest version. Table of contents Exit focus mode. Table of contents. In this article.
Microsoft office home and business 2010 uninstall did not complete successfully free
Version Fixed: Emails sent from Cerberus are blocked by some spam filters Fixed: Cerberus identifies Windows Server as Windows Server in the logs Many minor bug fixes and improvements Version Version 9. Fixed: Cannot disable 2FA from web administration. Report Manager now requires a limit and warns when queries may take longer.
Version 8. Version 7. Analysis of failed login result could allow attacker to determine if an account exists or not. Thanks to Steve Embling, a Pentura Security Researcher, for discovering and reporting this vulnerability.
Version 6. Enterprise edition not affected. Previously could only handle date range, or no date. Added password last changed date to the Login report in the Report Manager Fixed a problem with filenames with spaces getting truncated in Firefox when using the download button in the web client Statistics reports and public file sharing emails now report byte sizes in more human readable formats Version 6. Version 5. Version 4. Version 3. Version 2. Updated the transfer rates to reflect current transfer rate as opposed to average transfer rate.
The user-defined settings from the default interface are now applied to new interfaces automatically. Added an automatic IP-blocker. Administrators can now configure filters to automatically block IP addresses temporarily or permanently that fail authentication after a certain number of attempts. Added a new network checklist screen to the Getting Started Wizard.
The new wizard will point out possible problems in the network configuration that may cause problems with an FTP Server. Added an auto-detect IP address feature. The server can now automatically detect and activate new interfaces, as well as clean up and deactivate interfaces that have been released.
Added a line limit option to the onscreen logger. Changed the look of the taskbar icon Version 2. Not available on Windows This is a security enhancement. Passwords are not longer stored in the user file. Passwords are now SHA-1 encrypted, and then only the password message digest is stored.
Default programs are now invoked, instead of always Internet Explorer, for external links. Ex: mailto, Cerberus homepage web link, statistics file display. The interface limit of 5 has been removed. Cerberus can now listen on an unlimited number of interfaces. Using WPF? I really hope the high density screen has got better support. Currently is a hit and miss. MS has all but announced that NF is dead and. NET 6 as that means it is running on a deprecated technology.
NET Core. Components written in other languages are orthogonal here, locked in assemblies or COM objects, have nothing to do here. NET Framework specifically because so many customers are not willing to make the leap. I gather the. Xplat VS would be a huge bang-for-the-buck. How does the move to 64 bit affect extensions?
Extensions would have to be updated to support bit. You can also watch the extensibility live stream this Friday. After the release, it would be good if you stopped all the new development and have a break.
Focus on fixing all the bugs in the backlog for a couple of of months. All of them. Hi and low prio. All the productivity improvements made by new features are actually cancelled by all the bugs and times I need to restart VS or even the machine. Last VS Blazor just not ready.
I guess they have to. All these are excelent, but please put some more effort on performance. You guys did a great job on making openning solutions faster, keep working on that and do the same for all actions. Any particular area dragging you down right now? For starters. Gotta echo this. And when devenv. NET Framework to.
With WPF officially supported in. Plus with all the performance improvements implemented in. NET Core over the years, it seems like a no brainer. Would it be the next big priority after the release? I agree. Performance and stability are the main features needed at the moment.
Mads Kristensen is doing a great job at showing us how to build extensions. Maybe, we can achieve the same result by creating extensions instead of new changes in VS all the time. This way you can focus on making VS compile in. We do this in at least one place ourselves. The COM server implementations, if necessary, could remain in NF and be hosted out of process or rewritten as managed interfaces.
Mostly love it all. Great news! I really, really hope that the classic new project window will return to Studio The version of this one in is just a disaster: inconvenient, slow, confusing. Return it as it was in and earlier, please. How about. NET 6 support in VS ? Will it be supported? I just convinced my boss to buy VS because month ago there were no information about VS including your VS roadmap. VS already supports NET 6.
It is the only way to do NET 6 development. Currently you have to use As for buying VS , yeah been there. Therefore you can upgrade to VS provided it releases before your subscription ends unless you renew. So it should not be any cost. The first purchase is hideously expensive but yearly renewals are cheap relative. In my experience VS versions tend to release in the last quarter before or the first quarter after the year so I would expect VS to be released anywhere between Nov and Apr But this is entirely a guess.
Yes I know that there are those. NET 6 previews, but the most important thing is, if the final. We came from VS to VS and we planned to switch to something newer than , but from MS there were no information about VS newer than and we need.
NET 5 development for our backend so we decided to buy VS month ago. If Visual Studio will support final version of. As Michael points out that through some of the previews of. Our plan is that VS will be the fully supported matching toolset for. NET 6 preview development. You can directly write that Visual Studio will stuck with.
NET 5. NET 6. Microsoft will very disappoint software developers if make Visual Studio stuck on. Please make. Thank you in advance. I agree with Alexey, if we know before that there will be a new version of Visual Studio, we would probably buy less licenses of VS a wait until VS and then buy new licenses and upgrades. NET 6 should definitely be part of VS And Microsoft should inform developers sooner. Actually, Omnisharp is hurting much more.
The devs who are Linux only who try C for the first time right now will probably give up on it and never come back. Odd question, but will the upgraded Github support keep the Github profile image on commits? I just created one that you can vote on. That will help us prioritize the work sooner. Now that Visual Studio is having a new font. Can we also get support for the Line Height and Line spacing features as we need to adjust font lines and which is supported in visual studio code out of box.
This is a feature request for many years and now you guys are doing revamping of visual studio to 64 bit please please do that. Also support for Bold and italic fonts are also required. As all modern IDEs are supported that our of box except visual studio. It will be in Visual Studio as well. If you have any problems with it, please send us feedback!
This is great. Since Visual Studio is moving to bit, why not move to. NET 6 to embrace the performance and overhead improvements?
Will this update be for the current Visual Studio or will it require a separate installation? The new icons look very ugly and old I also hope that the dark theme will be fully supported in version.
NET development. Popular Visual Studio team, your work was great. We are waiting to use this wonderful version. Good luck. Locked to 32 bit for 20 years? Hey, you stay in the past, keeping us too. Very long time for evolution, very long. How much more disk space do we need for this version? And how much bigger are the updates going to be?
How much disk space required will vary depending on which workloads are installed. How did you have an update near one GB? The last few updates have been in the range of 1.
Occasionally, the update size is a few hundred megabytes. On my other computer, the same update was 1. I hope that they will fix the installer. Now I can do only 1 update at a time. And I see the same packages being downloaded for VS and Build tools. I want to run the installer, select all updates, and update. Looks great from the perspective of bit and performance improvements, also looking forward to exploring MAUI in detail via VS However, from reading the comments here , I really hope DevOps integration does not become a thing of the past.
It does feel there is a pull to GitHub and that means a big adjustment for us. Do you have a plan to add Blazor isolated CSS intellisense support? But please make sure you keep full support for VB. Hope VB will always be supported.
Some people like to code in C because they learned Java , others use F , and others prefer VB like me. Never stop VB. Create a new VB team if necessary and give them the means.
It would be best if there is a version of Xamarin in VB, but, I think that would be like asking for the moon. I dream!! It will improve performance when compiling, opening and working with solutions. I have not observed failure. However, many times the first copy, even if a few characters, blue donuts galore. No idea what the reason is. It is not a hardware issue or system memory issue. I have the same behavior on two totally different computer systems.
All of the development team has blue donuts and even crashes with Visual Studio , regardless of how simple the action is. Not seen this at all. And let us never speak of VS But I would be happy if VS also had the option of upgrading from VS to VS and not just having the option of reinstalling the new generation.
In my opinion, when VS is officially available, the installer should receive an update no reinstallation of the installer for VS , with which VS is added to the overview of all editions. In addition, in the overview of the installed version, there should be an upgrade option from VS to VS without just reinstalling VS So, the IDE is not getting fluent design system elements?
The productivity gain in having a visual designer is immense. I agree completely. To me this is one of the primary reasons why desktop development stagnated the last few years.
I believe that to be the case anyway. I also agree. The original WinForm designer was groundbreaking. All the designers since have sucked!
Leave it to MS to create something revolutionary…then, instead of evolving it to be even better, spend a couple of decades moving in the wrong direction. I find myself constantly switching back and forth between visual design, markup like XAML , and this command-line nonsense that belongs back in the pre-PC days.
That will accelerate new app development in the real sense. You can run Visual Studio Code on Linux, you can develop. NET 6 applications with the. Right now there is inconsistent experience where editor content is zoomed, while all other is tiny.
Currently after make change to single file out of many , all files are compiled, which is often very slowly. This is similar to Hot Reload, but for compiling. This will simplify writing extensions and increase speed.
In general, changing the values in the Display Settings to apply a uniform scaling to everything. Both ways are availabe in Windows, but can be integrated into VS to get better results:. While global DPI can be changed, but this is tedious and distracting. When VS run in full screen mode, then user can artifically decrease size of screen using keys , so only part of VS will be visible, but this part will be magnified. Then user can move his view using mouse moves.
This is similar to system application Magnifier, but will work without running Magnifier. Switching from VS to other app cause return from view, and switching back to VS, will bring view back, at position when VS was before switch. It makes sense… and I was chatting with the Program Manager who headed up the process to get Visual Studio to handle different DPIs at the same time about this. Since those already existed, it seemed like there were other features that would provide more value as opposed to integration with existing tools.
Make sense? Lets make a 64bit VS. MS Rest of team: Oh, that sounds useful. Okay lets do it. Why a company use such a new tech that support less platform than UniApp or Election or Flutter?
And a Question: Why Visual Studio still using. I mean with. Me, I prefer VB and I want the same functionnalities and robust support for every language. Everybody must find happyness with Visual Studio. I always saw with all news versions many issues with ReportViewer. NET Core is a major blocker for migrating for most of the apps I work on.
Support for SSRS reports in. Is there any product manager that could chase the SQL Server team for a response? Honestly none of these new features mean anything until you manage to make Visual Studio faster. Half my co-workers are switching to JetBrains Rider because it already has a lot of these features, a better designed UI and is more performant. The discovery and deployment story is abysmal. Even though these visualizers are intended to be used with Visual Studio, there is no defined way to visually integrate them with VS themes and controls.
As the author of 3 visualizers and counting — for expression trees , ANTLR4 parse trees , and DateTime — I urge you to consider updating the development story, to be at least on par with other VS extensions. C will never compete effectively with Python and other languages if its primary IDE cannot easily visualize data. What, in your opinion, does FiraCode do better than Cascadia? I used FiraCode myself for a while until I got told about Cascadia.
I wanted to try out Cascadia Code, but switched immediately back to Fira Code as it was much clearer and easier for me to read. NET 5 is slowing down your agility — again to allow you to develop a cross-platform UI stack like Flutter. I think the Radzen model is beginning to shine in this way, if only something like this were baked into VS. MS are historically very adept at using there own technology in the applications they build.
VS should be no exception. Great news about the 64 bit version. A long time ago I ask to VS support… So, immense gratitude for having listened to me and not ending the VS year in an odd number. Can i close VS for you to save your computer memory? Please support classic asp with tooling and intellisense.
I can usually open the file manually, and do a text string search faster than intellisense can find it. Because Microsoft are trying to kill off MFC. Right now they only work with packaged applications, but it is planned for them to work with unpackaged applications by the end of the year. But what about Azure DevOps? It feels like all the attention is going to Github.
Sln is extremely unfriendly for editing. Moving a project from platform dependent to AnyCPU requires tons of work. Keep integration with MFC apps. Make porting MFC to cross platform easy. Make sure compile times are not too long. Will there also be a more flexible configuration for companies? Currently its very hard to deliver a company-wide configuration userdefined workloads other than the ones delivered by MS.
For every user in our company I have to write a document to install extensions and create the necessary settings. It would be really good to have settings that can be delivered next to a solution like Directory. Thanks for the feedback Martin, we have something that might help a bit. You can add a. It can also be used as part of a command line install.
Out of curiosity do you manage VS installs for a company? Thanks Andy. We are already using. We need something like a solution wide. The settings can already be imported and exported, but it would be good to place these settings as. We need configuration possiblities for solutions. Currently the. Also here we want to improve the initial setup time. Sure, you can document all thoses settings and let the user to the things, but my experience shows me that people do not read the docs and flooding the help desk with unnecessary question.
So my choice is prevent over document by configuring things in advance. I just hope, it works. I say this, as I wanted to use Visual Basic, and version would not work and would not even download correctly and install, I had to install the version that worked no problem.
My only question, based on stuff I have read recently, does the version include Visual Basic? You can select the workloads when installing VS, or any other specific individual component from the installer. Thanks for this info. Hi, I find this sad and hard to believe.
Sure, some versions were better than others… but they all worked. I mainly develop Windows Desktop applications. What kind of projects do you develop? VS will only run on Windows and we have no plans to migrate it to Linux at this time. The first bit Visual Studio was actually released 21 years ago. When I was young-ish. The original bit Visual Studio is old enough to drink now. I do not know. It was great feature.
Thanks for reply. We are working to update the underlying FTP stack that we use. We are hoping to get the update included in Preview 2, but if we run into issues it may be delayed. In version that option diappears.
At least for me. But if you are able to do it, will you please share with me how 😕 I have updated VS , version They are working with VS still, even though it has been deprecated long ago. There are some legacy stuff that we are still supporting for VS and are concerned about whether this finally means their end. This is great! Looking forward to 64 bit! Hilarious about all the people bitching about it running on. Will it come with patch update?!. Any chance that the subscription format also could change?
Tools like Live Unit Testing and Code Coverage are useful during the development but not everybody are ready to pay for the enterprise edition. I will be happy if a solution with about 8k lines of total code across a handful of projects loads instantly on my existing development machine. I am not asking for anything more in bit VS. So it will be generally available sometime in ? This update will boost my productivity beyond mars…. The developer community has long wanted the IDE to become 64 bit.
Perhaps this is the most important innovation. I wish the development team continued success! I like how the IDE is evolving at least in the context of. Then no package-fetching problems will be caused.
Thank you Microsoft, with respect! Will a beta version be released earlier for testing? If so, is there a way to get on the list? Very excited about VS I hope you will keep the option to buy permanent non-subscription-based licenses. I really hate this trend that is forced on us by many companies. I like one time purchases! Changes that no user claimed or demanded and that no one had complained about from previous designs.
What Microsoft do with this suggestion with hundreds of votes and more hundreds of comments in differents post around the web? What is Microsoft doing about this in Visual Studio ? With things like removing windows borders in Windows 10, lack of constrast between windows areas all white , smarthone designs in Windows apps, lack of colored icons, icons that look like hieroglyphs, lack of shadows, gradients, etc.
Small Caps menus, ugly and bored theme in Windows 10, etc. This would mean we can run it more easily on these M1 macs in a VM but still in Windows , any word on this? Thanks for the feedback! Three words: designer, designer, designer. Ever since WinForm, each new designer seems less and less capable. Also, more and more basic functionality seems to be moving to the command-line, things like…package manager and the ever-growing dotnet command vocabulary.
It is not so for everyday tasks. Let developers be more productive by leveraging the traditional proven practice of event-driven programming for the quick rollout of apps on any platform. Agree completely. Nice to have!! New performance and github integrations are good. Where can i file a issue with this? DX12 on Linux might help for such release. Where you can drag and drop controls and position them how you want them on the page.
Kind of like how WaveMaker does it. Just the ability to use the GUI to place and lineup all the controls visually the way you want it on the page. So the dev can focus on the code that makes the page function and not waste time positioning everything. It seems in every new edition something gets binned and you end up having to have legacy VS installations to perform certain tasks. Microsoft used to be able to deliver a product that had more functionality than the one before, now every new product is pretty much a subset of what went before.
But I anticipate having to use VS for the next 10 years while VS catches up with functionality. Assuming of course VS ever becomes a stable release.
Yep, really lost the faith with Microsoft after 26 years of coding for the Windows platform…. One thing that is vitally important to me is that Microsoft finally implement the pieces that will allow component vendors such as Developer Express, for example to provide the same rich design-time experience for.
NET 6-based WinForms apps as they do with. Its the greatest news to here that visual studio is now join the 64bit club.
Its was the issue that made me to forcefully using other IDE while development and coming back to visual studio for publishing. In other parts of the world, summer is a different time of year it is just confusing.
The TTFI time to first interaction is about 30s for me on most solutions. I hope that Linux not being there is just an overlook of editor not the lack of support in …. Yay for the new version! Any option to have horizontally AND vertically tabs at the same time? I’ll need an aliased version of it, or I’ll keep Fira Code. Edit: once installed, everything is sharp and readable, I love it!
A step in the right direction. I am looking forward to use VS and. Can the VS team possibly improve the panels in Visual Studio? I know they were once a model for how things should be done, but they are awful to use and maintain during the day.
Take a look at Rider and just use that model. Actually, to me the panels in Rider are the worst thing about this whole IDE. I never seen something more confusing, unintuitive thing than the panel and window management in Rider. I like the new icons. Oh boy, it took just about 22 years for Microsoft to think of releasing a 64 bit version of Visual Studio.
But really, is all about putting in balance the pros and cons when you make a decision. Even better would be if you could offer both versions so the user can choose.
How is that affecting performance on my computer compared to 32 bit VS 64 bit pointers? Rider is bit and is very fast compared to VS. So the pointer thing is probably really just a red herring. Maybe in , with all the Visual Studio updates, there will already be a stable and decent version to work with.
Also looking forward to try the. Would love if it had first-class support for PowerShell. And the only support in VS proper is a paid add-on. Will there be a VS release supporting. It would be a shame to be stuck at. NET Core 3. This is awsome. Cant wait to start coding in Visual Studio and do a deep dive into.
NET multi platform apps. Waited some years for Microsoft to launch multi platform development. Kind of surprised and amazed that Visual Studio is able to stay as bit application up until today, while any other majority of IDE and development-tools have been bit only. Keep up the good work! Thank you!!! Looks awesome.. Seriously, if you want to improve adoption rates, think of all the linux users which are growing immensely that would happily pick up VisualStudio and.
NET Core for Linux. Can u give me bacck the dam program…. I was working on a project……Like the heck is going on here i demand answers. Is Microsoft going to pay for this to the Developers who learn and develop apps for their platform?
Microsoft intends to enrich their Power Platform with abundant resources to develop and support. How much Microsoft going to pay back to these developers? Love all the parts of the announcement but feels like with all the devs still remote working that there is a big miss with the lack of Live Share in Visual Studio for Mac.
When do you guys change the code snippets experience? Template searching maybe can make some Cache to make it quickly! Please please change the new project screen which takes too long to load, too long to search… The old new project window was great.
Why is it too hard to make that thing fast? Jordan Matthiesen Senior Program Manager. Mads Kristensen Principal Product Manager. Grace Taylor Program Manager. Leslie Richardson Program Manager. Taysser Gherfal Senior Program Manager.