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Compare and synchronize databases with Data and Structure Synchronization. Set up and deploy the comparisons in seconds, and get the detailed script to specify the changes you want to execute. Code fast with Code Completion and customizable Code Snippet by getting suggestions for keywords and stripping the repetition from coding. Discover and explore your MongoDB schema with our built-in schema visualization tool.
Synchronize your connection settings, models, queries and virtual groups to our Navicat Cloud service so you can get real-time access to them, and share them with your coworkers anytime and anywhere. With Navicat Premium 12 Activation Key you can leverage every minute of your day to maximize your productivity. Navicat Premium 12 Patch provides more authentication mechanisms and high-performance environments so you never have to worry about connecting over an insecure network.
Cross-platform licensing is now available in Navicat Premium 12 Crack. Download Link. Official WEB. Your email address will not be published. MySQL foreign key was unable to be created in Table Designer when referencing a destination field requiring index. Restored bytea data in PostgreSQL was failed. Sep 6 Navicat Premium Windows version ER Diagram view. SQL Minifier. Database Wide Search. Added object list in Query Editor. Jun 1 Navicat Premium Windows version 9.
Bug Fixes: Wrong table would be copied while running “Duplicate Table” function. Foreign Key Check box under Table Designer was unable to be toggled using space bar. Searching in Table Viewer would freeze when no record showed on the existing view. Apr 11 Navicat Premium Windows version 9. Bug Fixes: Scroll bar in Trigger Definition editor was missing.
Object List frozen. The size of the width in Run Result columns were too large in Stored Procedure form. Connection combo box showed wrongly in Data Synchronization. SQL Server permission denied on object ‘sysproperties’. Import Wizard was unable to import SQL Server string data to varchar, varchar max , text field properly.
Feb 21 Navicat Premium Windows version 9. Navicat was unable to list function which returning table of PostgreSQL 9. Table with Oracle object array was unable to be opened in Table Viewer. Imported text-based file with UTF-8 encoded data to blob field incorrectly.
Failed to run multiple Data Synchronization at the same time. Table with identity fields was not working correctly in Data Synchronization. Jan 17 Navicat Premium Windows version 9. Improvements: Improved sorting order in Connection Tree and Object list.
MySQL Table Designer was unable to insert a field as first since Navicat modifies the second field to reference the not yet inserted field. Jan 12 Navicat Premium Windows version 9. Improvements: Improved the compatibility of third party plugin eg. Ultramon, Hardcopy etc. SQL Server export view profile did not show in list. Multiple files with files delimited as ‘ ‘ were unable to be recognized during Import Wizard. Dec 28 Navicat Premium Windows version 9. DBF character field length would be set to if table field length is 0 while exporting to DBF file.
Tree node was unable to be highlighted when Connection Coloring feature was applied under Windows XP. Dec 14 Navicat Premium Windows version 9.
Bug Fixes: Any SQLite unique constraints set at a column level were lost if a previously created table was opened. When adding fields in a table with SQLite foreign key constraint in Table Designer, the reference table field would be renamed. Code Completion did not work properly with field name if tables were from different database.
Exported data string to Excel file did not work properly, e. Structure Synchronization showed wrong compare option caption after changing connection to different kinds of database.
Fixed no permission returned when getting row count of SQL Server table. Nov 30 Navicat Premium Windows version 9. Nov 25 Navicat Premium Windows version 9. New Privilege Manager. Data Synchronization performance improved with new engine. Connection Coloring. Oct 4 Navicat Premium Windows version 9. SQLite Foreign Key did not work properly. Result form showed in Query Editor would be closed after a new query was run. Sep 15 Navicat Premium Windows version 9. SQLite indexes were unable to be removed in Table Designer.
In Structure Synchronization, when the queries generated in the “Queries for Modification” list were too long e. Error occurred for Oracle and PostgreSQL server when primary key constraint name in source table conflicted with the unique index which was created as the same name as the primary key in Structure Synchronization.
Field names for some tables with special names were unable to be listed in Report Builder. Aug 30 Navicat Premium Windows version 9. Improvements: Horizontal scrollbar is now reset to the left position after applying Beautify SQL feature. Aug 2 Navicat Premium Windows version 9.
When exporting numeric data with comma as decimal seperator to access file, the numbers were displayed without the comma. Failed to transfer database objects to different server type when transfering to sql file in Data Transfer.
When exporting numeric data to excel file, it would be exported as string type. Jul 15 Navicat Premium Windows version 9. Fixed “mysql. Foreign Key link position in Visual Builder were not accurate enough. Server Monitor would crash if being opened for a while. Jun 23 Navicat Premium Windows version 9. Beautify SQL would cause error if extra spaces existed in aggregate function.
Fixed error when importig XML files from the Interent. When exported data to Excel spreadsheet, string start with zero e. Jun 8 Navicat Premium Windows version 9. Each SQLite field was limited to bytes. Tab order in Import Wizard was set up incorrectly. May 31 Navicat Premium Windows version 9. In Navicat main, copying action would not work properly after certain user actions.
When adding new field and tabbing across cloumns in Table Designer, bule hash would appear at the end of the columns. When tabbing betweem columns in Table Deisgner, some columns would be skipped. Beautify SQL feature did not compatible with Navicat Query Parameter syntax, so that error would occur when running the parameter query. May 17 Navicat Premium Windows version 9.
Improved smart quote identifier for SQLite. Improved virtual grouping rename issue – e. Bug Fixes: Access Violation error occured when exporting chart report to excel file. May 10 Navicat Premium Windows version 9. Support Cancel action in copying SQLite objects, table and query. The font size used in Query grid was smaller than in View grid.
Fixed the wrong positioning issue of main menu items. May 3 Navicat Premium Windows version 9. Improvements: Improved the performance for opening Table Viewer with huge amount of columns. Bug Fixes: When selecting a particular entry in an enum select box by typing the first letters of the item, the wrong value would be saved if confirmed the changes using the check mark.
When applied “Auto save” function, recover window would not launched if multiple Navicat instances started. When trying to determine if the dataset were editable in Query, error would occur if user contained privilege on View, but did not have select privilege for Table.
Apr 26 Navicat Premium Windows version 9. Improvements: Better handle case sensitive of object identifier for Query Builder. Support “select Attached hot keys to the navigation bar in Table Viewer.
In Oracle Code Outline, supports parameter as node for simple view. Toolbar would blink when toggling taskbar auto hide option. Oracle debugger window could not be closed when debug running error occured. When sweithed between Query Builder ad Query Editor, “;” would be inserted into the middle of the statement. Apr 12 Navicat for Premium Windows version 9. Code Folding. Parameter Tips. SQL Beautifier. Object Filter. Individual database objects backup.
Unicode Character Report. Auto save in Query, Function etc. Custom sort in Tabler Viewer. Significant Improvements made in editor and data grid searching. History Log Viewer. Feb 24 Navicat Premium Windows version 8. Word Wrap status did not save in the Query Editor. Error dialog occured when selecting target connection in Data Transfer. Jan 19 Navicat Premium Windows version 8. Bug Fixes: Restore function could not work properly.
Insert Field did not work in Table Designer. Jan 12 Navicat Premium Windows version 8. Nov 18 Navicat Premium Windows version 8. Improvements: In step 6 of Import Wizard, Source field name would be truncated if longer than characters.
Now, Navicat supports up to field name characters. Refresh did not work for getting update data. When import text-based file using Import Wizard, Navicat was unable to get the number of columns correctly if the file did not contain field name row or there were empty lines existed before first data row. Oct 28 Navicat Premium Windows version 8.
Failed to establish SSH connection when the private key path contained unicode. When a table contained some long field names, those field names were only partialy visible or even invisible in Form View. Oct 5 Navicat Premium Windows version 8. Sep 25 Navicat Premium Windows version 8. Improvements: “Exceed package size PostgreSQL “bytea” data type will now being exported as E’ Bug Fixes: “Property cannot be found” error occured when importing Access file with datatype that may involve decimal places info, e.
SQL statements exported from Export Wizard was exported incorrectly. The last field in the table would be disappeared. Sep 3 Navicat Premium Window version 8. Date field was not converted correctly when exported to DBF file. Docked windows could not show in task bar under Windows 7.
Email attachment in Schedule could not be sent if “Add timestamp” option was enabled in Export Wizard. Aug 11 Navicat Premium Window version 8. Improve suggestion on target data type and provide a default precision and scale information in Import Wizard.
Support export to clipboard. When docking a console window to main window, the wheel of mouse would be no effect. Month calendar Could not fully display in some system. Jul 22 Navicat Premium Windows version 8. When exported data to MS Access, month and day values were mixed up. Slow problem while transfering data from command line. Access Violation error happened when creating new table with index. Fixed SQL parsing problem for Oracle version.
Index, constraint and trigger could not be renamed in Table Designer. Jul 13 Navicat Premium Windows version 8. If table names stated with number e. When applied docking feature under Windows 7, “System Error. Code: The parameter is incorrect” occured.
Fixed “Select” statement with empty string in Query Editor resulted in Access violation. Jul 9 Navicat Premium Windows version 8.
Improved dual monitor system support. Report files are now able to copy to other dataabses. When closed the Restore dialog after restored, Access violation occured. User-defined schema would not show in Structure Synchronization. After saved the query in Query Editor, the cursor returned to the beginning of the script. When deleted multi-cell in Table Viewer, Navicat would hang. Jul 2 Navicat Premium Windows version 8.
Fixed the column width not saved in Query Result tab. When exporting tables with choosing “None” for Field delimiter into Text file, it now not add 0 null character as delimiter. SSH connection did not work properly. Last Character would be chopped when exported data using Export Wizard.
Jun 26 Navicat Premium Windows version 8. Enhancement: Ability to duplicate connection. Bug Fixes: Fixed while changing value in table grid view given ” – Unknown column ” in ‘field list'” error message using MySQL server version 4. Jun 25 Navicat Premium Windows version 8. Bug Fixes: Fixed access violation issue while reorganizing Join table for a saved query. Fixed “Duplicate Field” function in Table Designer, given “unknown column Fixed access violation issue during backup process.
Jun 22 Navicat Premium Windows version 8. Support all subobjects: fields, indices, foreign keys and triggers. Support of partitioning. Latest Oracle versions support Support Oracle version 8. Support all subobjects: fields, indices, foreign keys, uniques, checks and triggers.
Managing directories, tablespaces, public database links and public synonyms. Managing database links, indices, java, materialized views, materialized view logs, packages, sequences, synonyms, triggers, types, XML Schema and Recycle Bin.
Support of physical attributes. Support all PostgreSQL objects: tables, views and functions. Support all subobjects: fields, indices, foreign keys, uniques, checks, rules and triggers.
Managing tablespace, cast and languages. Managing aggregates, conversions, domains, trigger functions, operators and classes, sequences and types. Support of character set and Unicode. Cross-servers Data Manipulation Tools Support of transferring data across various database systems.
Ability to transfer data to a text file with designated SQL format. Setting schedule for profiles from different kind of databases. Support of sending notification e-mail and attachment for schedule task. Export Registry Record. Well-designed user interface Virtual Grouping for connections and objects.
Customize of connection order. Data are well-shown in the tree view. Grid View and Form View support. Well-described Wizard System. Support docking windows. Powerful data management tool Foreign Key Data Selection. Supports Parameter Query. Import and Export support. Data Synchronization support. Structure Synchronization support. Support Views in Query Builder. Support of Views Builder. Support SQL Previewer. Support of Word Wrap.
Provides a short-cut to terminate a running query. Manage Users. Server Monitor. Download here. Jun 14 Navicat Premium macOS version Function group creation issue. Hanged when updating records in some cases. May 10 Navicat Premium macOS version Bug-fixes: Chart title display issue. Query listing issue when loading cloud queries. Mar 28 Navicat Premium macOS version Bug-fixes: Crashed when opening a table in some cases. Mar 21 Navicat Premium macOS version Bug-fixes: Crashed when hovering over tabs.
Mar 14 Navicat Premium macOS version Crashed when moving a connection from Navicat Cloud to My Connections.
Crashed when running Automation in some cases. Mar 1 Navicat Premium macOS version Bug-fixes: Crashed when using table viewer. Feb 23 Navicat Premium macOS version Crashed when closing Navicat in some cases. Hanged when designing table. Unable to scroll through the fields with the mouse wheel in Query Builder. Duplicate options in the user Plugin dropdown menu. Connection coloring did not work on subtabs. Crashed when importing invalid json files.
Feb 8 Navicat Premium macOS version Bug-fixes: Minor bug fixes and improvements. Jan 13 Navicat Premium macOS version Jan 10 Navicat Premium macOS version Jan 3 Navicat Premium macOS version Line numbers disappeared when scrolling in Query Editor. Dec 15 Navicat Premium macOS version Crashed in some cases.
Dec 7 Navicat Premium macOS version Crashed when opening query on macOS SSL connection error. Missing menu items when opening query in new window. Nov 23 Navicat Premium macOS version Nov 10 Navicat Premium macOS version Bug-fixes: Crashed when running scripts in some cases. Crashed when copying records in some cases. The TEXT pane did not retain when running queries. Aug 19 Navicat Premium macOS version Jun 29 Navicat Premium macOS version Bug-fixes: Crashed when adding relations to a logical model.
Differences were incorrectly detected when synchronizing MySQL table structures. Crashed when running query in some cases. Error occurred when transferring SQL Server tables with user-defined types to other server types. May 3 Navicat Premium macOS version Bug-fixes: Unable to update data in some cases. Crashed when adding a trigger to PostgreSQL model. Crashed when using Data Transfer in some cases.
Mar 8 Navicat Premium macOS version Bug-fixes: Unable to read grid data in Dark mode. Unable to sort the last column by clicking the column header in Table Viewer. Duplicate entry error occurred when editing the pasted records. Unable to connect to server via SSH Tunnel in some cases. Hanged when starting Navicat in some cases. Jan 14 Navicat Premium macOS version Bug-fixes: ‘Primary key needs to be integer’ error occurred when synchronizing data. Unable to sort by clicking the column header in Table Viewer.
Dec 22 Navicat Premium macOS version Only 10, records were exported when exporting MongoDB collection.
Data Synchronization UX issue. The modified dates of backup files were incorrect. Oct 12 Navicat Premium macOS version Improvements: Prompt to change the MariaDB password when it expired. Bug-fixes: Unable to show the granted privileges if the database name contained wildcard characters.
Only the last selected table was printed when printing multiple tables. The SQL Editor was flickered and repainted when saving the query. Crashed when using Query Builder on Big Sur. Sep 15 Navicat Premium macOS version Bug-fixes: The “Set to Null” option was applied to a wrong column when some columns were hidden in Table Viewer. The field size was incorrect in Form View. The “Encoding” setting was not stored when the connection was synchronized to Navicat Cloud. Aug 3 Navicat Premium macOS version Bug-fixes: Unable to set the encoding of MariaDB connection.
Schedule did not trigger when using Navicat App Store version. The “Close Database” option in the context menu was dimmed when a query tab was focused. The entire connection tree was collapsed when searching. Crashed when deleting a data source in Charts.
Crashed when connecting to MongoDB in some cases. Jun 22 Navicat Premium macOS version Improvements: Improvement on resizing Information pane. Bug-fixes: Negative default value displayed as “-” in MariaDB. No records were imported in some cases when Import Wizard displayed “Finished Successfully”. Crashed when running MongoDB query for the second time. Jun 3 Navicat Premium macOS version Bug-fixes: Error occurred when running a valid updateMany query.
Unable to show full table names in the Data Synchronization window. Field names in the Join dialog were truncated. May 18 Navicat Premium macOS version Bug-fixes: MongoDB data export failed. May 6 Navicat Premium macOS version Bug-fixes: Jumped to the first record when refreshing in Form View.
The list of the reference tables for foreign key was empty in Model. Apr 20 Navicat Premium macOS version Bug-fixes: Scrolling was slow in data viewer. The color picker disappeared in diagram. Apr 15 Navicat Premium macOS version Bug-fixes: The state of the pane in model was not retained. Crashed when synchronizing SQL Server data.
Field count was missing in Table Designer. Crashed when opening Console. Mar 23 Navicat Premium macOS version Crashed when clicking the Next button without choosing a target database in Data Transfer. Unable to show the whole Trial Reminder dialog. Crashed when starting Data Transfer in some cases.
Mar 3 Navicat Premium macOS version Feb 27 Navicat Premium macOS version Bug-fixes: Relation attributes were wrong after reopening the logical model. Feb 20 Navicat Premium macOS version Bug-fixes: Crashed when using Data Transfer in some cases. Inserted records to the target server when transferring views. CPU usage was high when using Query Builder. Unable to open the main window when starting Navicat. Jan 16 Navicat Premium macOS version Bug-fixes: Crashed when starting Navicat.
Dates before were exported as numeric values when exporting to Excel. The Search feature did not work properly in the Data Transfer window. Icon and text were not aligned well in the Navigation pane The unchecked “Includes anonymous system profile” option was reverted to check after restarting Navicat. Jan 6 Navicat Premium macOS version Crashed when running Data Transfer in some cases. Dec 24 Navicat Premium macOS version Bug-fixes: Unable to run selected query in some cases. Crashed when using Data Transfer.
Unable to show which database is active. Dec 12 Navicat Premium macOS version This database migration tool provides a friendly step-by-step Wizard-GUI. All you want to do is: select a data source and a target output format, then submit migration!
You can easily and quickly build, manage and maintain your databases. It also offers batch jobs for different databases such as a print report in MySQL, backup data in Oracle and synchronizes data in PostgreSQL can also be scheduled and automated to run at a specific time.
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