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Download Panic Unison 2 | replace.me


A divine joy to use! Worth every cent!! Thank you!!! I would like to see some way to add our own visual directory icons. But not complaining. It was the only Windows app I was still running. Hoping this will allow me to cut the cord for good I currently have Giganews and have been happy with them but wonder how your service compares.

You guys rock. Send us an e-mail and we can get to the root of your problem. Bought it just minutes after seeing it work very awesome release final Big improvements full speed my mbit without problems, only one question how can i do crossposts now? I think i just found out adding virtual groups and posting to then you can made crossposts to more than one group. Is version 2 Intel only? Works like a charm on Imac with Intel processor, hangs constantly on G5 Quad. Hmm, Union 2 downloaded yesterday… trial expired today?!

David: Yes. Just about to send out an e-mail to existing customers…. Looks like a pretty cool app. But, the trial counter went from six days to zero in less than 24 hours? Whats up with that? I was able to run the App for one day because in the past I had a demo version of 1.

After running 1. It looks like Unison 2 is running off the same credentials because it assumed I had used my Unison demo for 6 days already. From what I saw, it is solid. My only constructive bit would be to include a built in nzb index search like Newsbin. Those newsreader have this feature. You can read all unread messages form all servers via the spacebar. Please also add support for showing the numbers of unread messages in a group from the groupslist. My favourite features in no particular order:.

You finally made file grouping useful. Before, I always had to turn it off because I never really need PAR files unless my extraction went awry. Now, I can keep grouping on, select a group, download, and not worry about a thing. This is the way Mac software should be, and you guys are the best at it. Automatic extraction and recovery. This save so much time, and it just makes sense to have it built in. Before, I would highlight the newest message and hit Get Latest.

The addition of a separator makes this process more intuitive. I actually used to love xnews on Windows. Even when using Unison 1. Adding that feedback was one of simplest things you could do, yet it makes a world of a difference. Single window design. This is NOW a real Mac app. The three windowed interface of 1.

I hated it. Awesome job, Dave! It deserves as much success as possible! Excellent upgrade for any user of the software. Mark: Check the Preferences. It does exactly what you want! Overall 2. I was sufficiently impressed to have paid the upgrade fee before 2. Already purchased my upgrade license on the strength of that feature alone.

Just tried the demo and WOW — looks very neat. After I started Unison again, the files magically vanished from the download queue. Any suggestions here? Cheers Mark. Unison 2 is not unpacking the downloads properly. How can I increase the font? I quote Tim, the unthreaded view is a must-have for me. Please please reintroduce this option! I have a request for enhancement.

Can we not have the ability to put computer to sleep or shutdown after downloading, just like with Handbrake? Very nice, but missing one pretty crucial feature in my eyes: the ability to unthread messages in a group. If I want to quickly mark everything up to a certain date as a read, I either need a searching filter that allows for that show me all messages in the last 24 hrs, mark rest as read, or the like or, to do it manually, one needs to be able to unthread so you can quickly find and mark read the date range you need.

Please consider putting this in in an update? First the goodness: the new product is a terrific upgrade. No doubt about it. I really like the new unified GUI design.

Groups with large numbers of files are still not handled gracefully. I get the spinning beachball while the IO process is in work. Eliminate the beachballs altogether. Unison 2. Kinda sucks to have to buy it again so soon. Sure wish there was a bit lower upgrade price for those of us who bought Unison in the last 6 months. Now I am wondering if you have anything planned for Transmit! Excellent upgrade, interface looks really polished now.

Icon even nicer than before! Well done guys. Thank you Panic! The threading in the groups, the quoting of the text and colouring, the quick fades in and out from when you change views, all add up to incredible attention to detail and an experience never before seen on Usenet. In fact, the only single blemish I could find is a total non-issue: UnRar is noticeably slower than other clients, but as I say who really cares whether decompression is a little slower than normal?

Loving it! As with all of Panics software its top notch both in design and function. Panic is one of those companies you can trust in enough to buy new products sight unseen. One small feature request…. That is let me dock the activity window to the right side of the main window.

I love the summary in the transfers tab but I like being able to see what files are actively downloading and how fast. PS love the operations tab. Dave is the Man. Nice version with Unison 2. That would be great. Unison 2 represents an awesome and sane way to deal with UseNet. The User Interface is beautiful and more importantly amazingly useable. Having worked on NewsFlash all those years ago, Unison represents everything a news client should be and more. Please buy it… it is worth it.

I revert to using UnRarX and everything joins and completes the final output file without issue. For me, this is a good enough stop-gap, but it would be nice to have Unison handle it for me. Auto shutdown when finished downloading. Have you found a way to make Unison do that? I have downloaded about 30 files previously with only a couple files having this error. The best tool ever! Looks nice and works perfectly. If you mainly have problems it often comes from the news provider I needs to spend a while finding out much more or figuring out more.

Thank you for great info I used to be looking for this information for my mission. Can anybody help? I bought and installed Unison on my Mac some years ago and am very happy with it. Because I travel a lot I cannot access my home pc…do you have a IPad version of Unison that I can get if not do you have any suggestions as to some compatible software that I can use on my iPad.

I would appreciate your suggestions Thanks, Max. From the desk of Cabel Portland, Oregon Posted at am Comments. I am leaving work early to go home and install this. That is all. Ok fair.. Derik: Great question. Cabel, let me know if you do decide to fix anything and need a hand. Wow, pretty good. Almost and something finally broke my Unison 2.

They go to the queue and must be manually started part by part. Thanks for your work on this over the years — happy user since Sorry to see it go, but I understand the reason totally. Guess what, the problem of the Unison 2. This unsupported software is fully functional again! But thanks Cabel and company for bringing it to us in the first place. Can anyone recommend a replacement?

OK to email me direct. Really sorry to see Unison go, I really love that app. What makes the goodbye bitterer yet: every time I open Unison 2. Is there a way to somehow switch back to the old download method? Thx for this milestone of Usenet software. I used Unison since and it found its place in my virtual machine with OS Best NNTP news browser and downloader ever written!

There is no competition from either the Windows or Linux space that is as user-friendly as Unison. Unison belongs up there in computer science history like the Mac computer and the invention of the mouse! I am sorry to see it go. I will update mine and enjoy it until the cows come home. Hope Unison will stay around for a long time.

Upgraded to 2. It crashes regularly, downloads hang all the time. Anyway, thanks for this app. Neither of the new copies will work. What is going on?? And what can I do? Any tips would be appreciated. Frank DeStefano, Unison is no longer supported by Panic. I have one which I keep deleting, but when I restart unison it reappears. Should I go back to an earlier version? Is there anything I can do? Thanks for all the years.

Luckily there are plenty of alternatives. April …. Making it open source is a fantastic suggestion though. Give the fans something to get their teeth in to and continue this great piece of software.

Excellent as ever, all that 2. From the desk of Cabel Portland, Oregon The Future of Unison November 6th, Unison — our excellent OS X app for accessing Usenet Newsgroups and the many wonders and mysteries contained within — has reached the end of its road after years of faithful service.

First, a brand-new Unison 2. Now free, and unsupported. Just download it right there:. Download Unison 2. Posted at am 65 Comments.

Thanks for making Unison. It was a great run. Now I must go cry. What about the possibility of open-sourcing it so it can live on?

Billy Y.. Resets all subscribed newsgroups to unread. It was great while it lasted. I miss CandyBar, too. Unison is great! So sorry to see it go.

RIP Unison. You left before your time. Well, crap. Thanks for a graceful landing. And for supporting Unison for as long as you have. Thanks for providing us with such a great Usenet experience for all these years! Will it come to Mac AppStore? When you gotta move on, you gotta move on… Thank you for the best Usenet app while it lasted!! Still waiting for an answer for the Mac AppStore… There no update yet there, but APple can be slow at times, so I am waiting for nothing?


Panic Blog » The Future of Unison.Unison for Mac – Download


Awesome new version! Same remark as cgrin above me though : after purchasing the upgrade, your system keeps telling me my serial is not a serial… And yeah, would be fantastic if the search function supported password protected https sites.

I never heard of this before, seriusly, what is this so a person that is very lost can understand easily. Is this a torrent kind of app a limewire kind of app or a download manager??? Outstanding upgrade! Kinda hard to get used to the new interface, but it looks great. Still, forgive the moans. The support for Usenet generally is much appreciated. Guys… long time Panic Fan here, who loves your Apps! Too bad they are not available for Win and Linux as well! You are the only company I know of that sends emails to their subscribers reminding them that they have an option to unsubscribe, usually companies do the opposite and try keep people hooked so they can show investors and advertising client what a large subscription list they have!

I like it, I like it. Some of my habits are broken, probably for the best. Have I just missed this function somewhere, or have I correctly understood how it works in Unison 2? Quite looking forward to playing around with this, though. Just digging into the 2.

Thanks, guys! Is irreversible Delete the new alternative? This is very nice.. The metaphor always seemed weird to us. This is an awesome upgrade. Congrats on excellent work. High bar, I know, so get back to work and stop reading comments! Love the new UI! Perhaps configure this per group. But one feature that i still miss: The ability to show either a percentage, time remaining or just a progress bar instead of the 5 14 icon hint.

Thanks Dave for the great work!!! Thanks to Tim and the rest of the people, great upgrade to a already great program.

Glad you charged for upgrade, need to get paid so you can continue the work. Also, a setting to not download the sample files, or auto delete the samples and the. Unison could be so much bigger! I love to see my formerly favourite piece of usenet software updated.

There was one reason I switched to alternatives like hellanzb and most recently sabnzbd: threaded file download via multiple connections. It seems that this has not been implemented yet, or am I missing something?

I might be missing something. Other than that, great work! I am almost sold. Another feature from sabnzbd you should steal — providing a web interface to allow you to queue up NZBs remotely.

Great job! Hundreds of millions of messages kept in a database slow things down. I like it fast and am willing to search for NZB files for older things. In the lower right of the main window there is indeed an estimate of how much longer the entire download queue will take to complete. I really like that a lot. It is interesting that you cannot move things around anymore in the download window. However, I do understand people wanting to sort by age if they are using NZB files of old posts about to drop off servers and they keep their queues huge.

The ability to delete headers with a selection and tapping the delete key is already saving me lots of time and not having to worry about purging messages to keep things snappy is going to be a blessing to the great majority of users. So my heartfelt thanks. I use Unison more than any other application and have been doing so for years.

This is a major improvement and you have my appreciation. Oops, that time remaining approximation is in the lower left corner of the main window, not the lower right.

Such a big improvement from the last version i had. Really awesome, a Usenet server that accepts PayPal as payment! No more worrying about giving my credit card information to some enterprising hackers in a former Soviet Bloc country!

For example, the ability to schedule downloads is one of the main reasons I use AB, especially given that my ISP offers unlimited downloading between specific times of the day. But I have the strong impression that Unison is geared exclusively toward file-downloading people. I cannot see any noteworthy feature for simple news-reading. For example a way to ignore or follow a thread. Makes the app feel much faster. Thank you! First off… awesome work on the program. Amazing improvements. They currently open in a quicklook-like window, but can not be resized.

How about the ability to set rules to certain newsgroups to download into specific directories? Also… is there a list of keyboard shortcuts anywhere? Again… awesome improvements. I was happy to pay for the upgrade. A divine joy to use! Worth every cent!! Thank you!!! I would like to see some way to add our own visual directory icons. But not complaining. It was the only Windows app I was still running. Hoping this will allow me to cut the cord for good I currently have Giganews and have been happy with them but wonder how your service compares.

You guys rock. Send us an e-mail and we can get to the root of your problem. Bought it just minutes after seeing it work very awesome release final Big improvements full speed my mbit without problems, only one question how can i do crossposts now? I think i just found out adding virtual groups and posting to then you can made crossposts to more than one group. Is version 2 Intel only?

Works like a charm on Imac with Intel processor, hangs constantly on G5 Quad. Hmm, Union 2 downloaded yesterday… trial expired today?!

David: Yes. Just about to send out an e-mail to existing customers…. Looks like a pretty cool app. But, the trial counter went from six days to zero in less than 24 hours? Whats up with that? I was able to run the App for one day because in the past I had a demo version of 1. After running 1. It looks like Unison 2 is running off the same credentials because it assumed I had used my Unison demo for 6 days already.

From what I saw, it is solid. My only constructive bit would be to include a built in nzb index search like Newsbin. Those newsreader have this feature. You can read all unread messages form all servers via the spacebar.

Please also add support for showing the numbers of unread messages in a group from the groupslist. My favourite features in no particular order:. You finally made file grouping useful. Before, I always had to turn it off because I never really need PAR files unless my extraction went awry. Now, I can keep grouping on, select a group, download, and not worry about a thing. This is the way Mac software should be, and you guys are the best at it.

Automatic extraction and recovery. This save so much time, and it just makes sense to have it built in. Before, I would highlight the newest message and hit Get Latest. The addition of a separator makes this process more intuitive. I actually used to love xnews on Windows.

Even when using Unison 1. Adding that feedback was one of simplest things you could do, yet it makes a world of a difference.

Single window design. This is NOW a real Mac app. The three windowed interface of 1. I hated it. Awesome job, Dave! It deserves as much success as possible! Excellent upgrade for any user of the software. Mark: Check the Preferences. It does exactly what you want! Clash of Clans. Subway Surfers. TubeMate 3. Google Play. Windows Windows. Most Popular. New Releases. Desktop Enhancements. Networking Software.

Software Coupons. Download Now. Editors’ Review shelbybrown Feb 16, Full Specifications. What’s new in version 2. Unison — our excellent OS X app for accessing Usenet Newsgroups and the many wonders and mysteries contained within — has reached the end of its road after years of faithful service. Unison 2. It also adds a lot more Retina assets for more beautiful browsing on newer machines, and fixes many little bugs and quirks. Release November 6, Date Added November 6, Version 2.

Operating Systems. Additional Requirements None. Total Downloads 19, Downloads Last Week 7. Report Software. Related Software. RSS Bot Free. Keep up to date with all of your RSS feeds in a simple, sleek and friendly manner. SABnzbd Free. Grab binaries from newsgroups. Thoth Free to try.